Friday, July 26, 2013

Yard Sale Fundraiser

A message from Momma Wright-

We are excited to announce that Mrs. Schroeder at Snow Springs Elementary has granted her permission for us to use the front of the school for our sale on Saturday, August 10th from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm!  The school is located between Main Street and Pioneer Crossing at 850 S 1700 W in Lehi.  I have promised that we will thoroughly clean up the area when our yard sale is complete.  Water will be provided.

The following things need to be done in order to be able to participate:

1. Please call me, Momma (Ora) Wright, at 768-0578 to reserve your spot.  (Or, reply to this email with student's name, student ID number, and best number to reach you at.  Also, I will need to know if you have some items for sale that would be attractive to potential buyers, and I will include them in our advertisement.  A few photos from some of you would be helpful as well.)

2. You will need to wear your purple band T-shirt the day of the sale.  Wear pants or dress code appropriate shorts with pockets to allow you to keep your money organized.  Please look your best, remember you are representing the band.  (Short shorts and tank tops are prohibited.)

3. You will need to provide your own shade, tables, and/or tarp to neatly arrange items for sale upon.

4. When you ask your friends and neighbors to donate their unwanted items, please be willing to pick them up yourself, and show up on time.  Also, please be prepared to donate unsold items to the charity of your choice.  You are responsible for cleaning up your station.

5. Set up begins at 7:00 am, and it is important to be there on time.  Check in before unloading.

6. Provide your own change.  You will need quarters, one's, five's, and ten's.  I usually have $30 on me to begin with.

7. Bring some grocery bags for your customers to take their purchases home in.

8. The money you earn is to help you pay your band fees, and is being advertised as such.  Please use it to do so.

Please come to a short course on successful selling after rehearsal on August 5th at Willowcreek.  I will be presenting some ideas to help you make the most of this opportunity to earn money for band fees.  If you are a yard sale veteran, there is no need to attend.

We will need some parent volunteers to help set up, clean up, and walk around to help ensure everyone has a successful experience.  Please call Momma Wright, or respond to this email if you want to help!  I'll need the best number to reach you at, and to know if you are willing to provide a bag of ice.  Please wear purple, so that students know to come to you if they need help.

Finally, we are in need of a few more shade canopies with anchors for band camp.  Please respond to this message if you have one you can loan to the band.

Thank you!


Momma Wright

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